
Monday, July 25, 2011

Exciting weekend? I think... Not.

Oh wow, am I so glad to be home.

That was the worst date....EVER. I don't want to get into it really... but - You talked me into it.

Okay, so it started off like it was going to be a nice day date. Our plans were to go to the Zoo and then go to lunch. First I met him, then we began to drive to the zoo. This is where it started. For one...of course. He wouldn't follow directions. Either by Me OR the Gps. WTF? He got us lost for a good thirty minutes, I was telling him where to go and he wouldn't listen. And then finally he did after we were still lost and then wow.. We made it. What a shocker.

Got to the zoo bought the tickets, waited for it to open. Once it opened we walked in to get our maps and I turn around - He walked off into the zoo without me! And just left me at the entrance. Another WTF? I had to run to catch up to him. Then while we were there, he kept giving me to the stupid, "Oh you're so Beautiful. How did I ever get a girl like you?" Line. And right after I would notice him pretty much tripping over his own feet to look down my shirt at my boobs! I yelled at him to stop and he got mad and wouldn't talk to me. And then he kept touching me!

Okay, I love touching and cuddling and kissing and all the ooey gooey mushy stuff as much as the next girl. But NOT when I just met you - GET OFF ME. Was all I was thinking. I had to continue to tell him to stop touching me and stop kissing my head. It was annoying me. And the fact that I'm on my period didn't help with the irritableness that I was encountering. When I would tell him that, he would freak out and once more not talk to me. I then started to cramp from my period and he got mad because I wasn't feeling well. Finally decided to leave the zoo after only being there an Hour. OMG...

Since it was only 11:30 he offered to show me around Lee's Summit which is where the Zoo was pretty much located. I agreed and we got in his truck and left. After about twenty minutes of driving, I began to realize that we were driving through Neighborhood and Not the city. He was trying to take me home! I went in the house with a can of Mace that I had brought with me in my purse. After he showed me around said that we should - "Relax". Or so he calls it. I told him I didn't want to, I just wanted to go eat. He got pissed and said that he wasn't moving and that he was going to relax for the next fifteen minutes. Annoyed even MORE. I sat down next to him on the couch because all he had was a damn couch. He got all over me! Once more kept touching me and kissing on me and trying to make a move. I kept rejecting him which then caused him to throw a temper tantrum.

He stormed out of the house. I'm not even kidding, he kept glaring at me and almost slammed the door on me! Left the house got in the truck, He could have taken me home but he took me to the restaurant still. He apologized for how he was acting, saying that he really liked me and that he wanted me to like him back. I said I would like him if he didn't act like that, which he got mad and didn't say anything. We got into the restaurant, we ate at Joes Crab Shack. He then proceeded to tell me that I could get anything I wanted and it would be fine. So.. I got a bucket of Crab Legs. It was 21 Dollars. It went okay at the restaurant until the bill came. He saw the bill and flipped out! Causing a scene, wondering why I had to get the bucket of crab. Angry because it was so expensive. Once more - WHAT THE F*CK?

Well then I told him to just take me home we got up got into the truck and he took me home. Where he then asked if I wanted to go on another date. I couldn't help but just laugh. Got out and went inside. And from there on, he fought with me over text messaging saying I was just like the other girls that he dated. I figured that if I'm just like EVERY OTHER GIRL that he has dated for just ONE day. Then there is seriously something wrong with him. He called me a cold hearted bitch for what I did to him and told me that I Should have told him that I didn't like the date so he didn't have to, "Waste" $100.00 on me. Well how can you know if you don't like it if you don't go on the date. AND He offered to take me to the zoo and to get lunch. So it's his own damn fault.

But anyways..that's how my date went in a Nutshell.

Friday, July 22, 2011

An upcoming Exciting Weekend!

This weekend starting tomorrow is going to be pretty fun. Tomorrow from Noon until god knows when, my mother and I are driving out to a lake for my Aunt and Uncles Anniversary and my Aunts Birthday. It's a surprise birthday surprise for her. We are going out on my cousins boyfriends boat, will be great fun but Hot as well! We have been in a Extreme Heat Warning here in Missouri for over two weeks. So hopefully I don't over exert myself tomorrow! But it should be fun! And sunday will be even more fun!

I met a guy the other day! His name is Cody. He is.. well a bit older than me. I am twenty-one Now. And he just barely turned thirty. Sure it's about 9 years older than me but I'm excited. We've been talking for the past three days since and now we are going on our first day on Sunday. He is taking me out to the Kansas City Zoo and then taking me to my choice for lunch! And then the next weekend he is taking me to Worlds of Fun. That is if we click better than we do on the phone. Which I hope we do! But he seems like such a great guy! I hope things do turn out for us. I don't wanna get my hopes up, I'm not going to. But I am going to be excited for this.

I'm actually going out on a date, this will be the first real date that I have ever been on! Isn't that crazy? Like I mean I guess I've been on dates, but those dates I've either had to pay or I had to help pay. So in reality... Pssh. That ain't a date! He says that he's paying for our way in to the zoo for everything we eat and drink there and for our lunch. And says that I have no need to pay. =]

So I am quite excited! And I will take pictures of us both and the animals in the zoo! I get to go see Polar Bears and Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh MY! This will be the first time in a LONG time that I have been to the zoo. The last time I went to a Zoo was when I believe I was.... 10? So about 11 years now and the only Zoo I've ever been to was the Hogel Zoo. So it'll be nice to be able to go to Kansas City Zoo!

Anyways! Time for bed, I have to be up by 10 to get to the Lake by 12!

I'll write again soon!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Finally Home.

So I'm finally back home. Crazy 1,000 mile drive is over and done with and I can sit home and be lazy. Or at least I'd like to be. I've been going around town filling out applications and taking them back and doing them online and nothing seems to be working! It's driving me nuts, now that they want all of the applications to be done over the internet which means there's less than a 50/50 chance that they are going to call you so you can have a job.

This sucks ass..

But what can you do with the economy now-a-days? Oh well. Well I have a crap load of pictures that I need to upload onto my computer. But haven't done it yet, and don't know why I haven't especially since I have all of this time to do so.

AND I have a couple pictures to upload from my 21st birthday! Yay, yes I turned 21 on the 9th of this month and was it awesome! Awesome enough to get me sick and make me puke for two hours. Blah. Yes, I drank so much that I made myself get so sick I puked. But with the help of my cousins bf he made it possible for me to feel like shit. Hah. Oh well, that's what you're supposed to do for your 21st, right?

Sadly, today is the 11th and I'm still feeling the effects of my hangover. What the hell? Yes I woke up on the 10th still feeling very much drunk. I was still stumbling and running into walls. I was dizzy, even the thought or sight of alcohol made me wanna puke. And it still does, I know that I won't be drinking that much for a while.

But I will go for now. Time for some much needed, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon and Conan o' Brien!