
Monday, July 11, 2011

Finally Home.

So I'm finally back home. Crazy 1,000 mile drive is over and done with and I can sit home and be lazy. Or at least I'd like to be. I've been going around town filling out applications and taking them back and doing them online and nothing seems to be working! It's driving me nuts, now that they want all of the applications to be done over the internet which means there's less than a 50/50 chance that they are going to call you so you can have a job.

This sucks ass..

But what can you do with the economy now-a-days? Oh well. Well I have a crap load of pictures that I need to upload onto my computer. But haven't done it yet, and don't know why I haven't especially since I have all of this time to do so.

AND I have a couple pictures to upload from my 21st birthday! Yay, yes I turned 21 on the 9th of this month and was it awesome! Awesome enough to get me sick and make me puke for two hours. Blah. Yes, I drank so much that I made myself get so sick I puked. But with the help of my cousins bf he made it possible for me to feel like shit. Hah. Oh well, that's what you're supposed to do for your 21st, right?

Sadly, today is the 11th and I'm still feeling the effects of my hangover. What the hell? Yes I woke up on the 10th still feeling very much drunk. I was still stumbling and running into walls. I was dizzy, even the thought or sight of alcohol made me wanna puke. And it still does, I know that I won't be drinking that much for a while.

But I will go for now. Time for some much needed, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon and Conan o' Brien!

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